Latest fromDunedin

Local waters: Cruising New Zealand
Go local and have a blast exploring the wonders of your own backyard in style.

The jumbo question: For or against Auckland's new elephants?
New elephants are coming to Auckland Zoo - but not everyone is happy about it. We look at the arguments for and against the council's $3.5 million new attractions

MP's face used to promote massage parlour
A close-up image of Act MP Hilary Calvert's eyes decorates a Dunedin building she owns that houses a massage parlour.

Karam defamation hearing returns to court
Joe Karam's defamation action against members of Justice for Robin Bain was back in court in Auckland today.

German gecko thieves jailed
Two German men who admitted travelling to New Zealand to steal rare native geckos have been jailed after they pleaded guilty to separate charges of hunting protected wildlife and possessing four rare jewelled geckos.

Book Review: <i>Fosterling</i>
Emma Neale is a poet, novelist, teacher and anthologist living in Dunedin. Her latest novel, Fosterling, is the sort of book that can only come from multiple roles and experiences.

Assault inquiry to take days
Dunedin police say it could take days to establish what happened when a man was attacked by a large group of people.

Rugby: McAlister kicks Blues to victory
The Blues won their eighth game of the Super 15 season tonight with a 15-10 victory over the Highlanders at Carisbrook.

Live scoring: Super 15, NRL
Join us at for live scoring of tonight's Super 15 and NRL matches.