Latest fromDunedin

The big wet: What you need to know
Wild weather slamming the country has caused flooding, road closures and wild winds.

Flooding, schools closed as Fehi slams into south
Yesterday in Dunedin it was 35C - today they're facing torrential rain and school's out.

Penguin dies following dog attack
DoC urges dog owners to be vigilant after rare visitor to Mainland dies.

'We saved every property': Desperate battle to save homes in giant Dunedin fire
The owner of a Dunedin business fears he might have lost everything.

Planner backs golf challenge at harbour site
Residents oppose golf challenge and hire facility at Otago Harbour.

Funerals held for double homicide victims
The two funerals for David Clarke and Anastasia Neve couldn't have been more different.

Disgusting stink: Corpse flower set to bloom
The huge flower that smells like rotting flesh is growing about 10cm a day.

Double homicide shocks family - 'She was full of love'
It's initially thought Anastasia Margaret Neve and her partner died in Dunedin house fire.

Boy rides pogo stick up world's steepest street
Harry Willis had a steely look of determination as he made his way up the street.

Burglars taking advantage of the heat
Police are urging residents to keep windows and doors locked at night.

Victim of fatal South Dunedin fire named
Police say the investigation involves several different versions of events.

Parole denied to man who stabbed nurse in neck, face after molesting her
When I think back to what happened I remember feeling overwhelming terror, victim said.

Lindis River is dry, but fields still green
Otago rivers are dry in some sections but farmers are still fighting against restrictions.

Upset no-one liable for 'shocking' death
Mother says she has lost faith in doctors and hospitals following her son's death.

Police sought help to find missing 15yo girl
Dunedin police are appealing to the public for help to find a missing 15-year-old girl.

Man's death highlights hospital failings
Wanaka man died in ambulance while being transported from Dunstan Hospital to another.

Fatal fire: Bodies to be removed from Dunedin house
Witnesses saw heat from flames smashing windows and smoke billowing from the roof.

Driver flees after car crashes into house
The car crashed off a railway overbridge and plunged down a bank.

Impaled man taken to Dunedin Hospital
Impaled man sent to Dunedin Hospital with serious injuries

Dunedin rapist to be released on parole
Release granted subject to strict conditions, including curfew and electronic monitoring.

It's a scorcher! Dunedin's record heat
MetService says Dunedin Airport recorded a temperature of 35C today - a new record.

Motorist rams cyclist at intersection
Police seek driver after 'completely unacceptable' incident.

Our Jekyll and Hyde summer continues
Four seasons in one country - heat, thunderstorms and rain on way.

Mystery on the mountain: What killed five on Tasman Glacier?
Deaths of guide and his four clients in 1980 led to building of a new hut beside glacier.

Teacher censured: Girl left in car four hours during funeral
Teacher went to a funeral not realising she had left a 4-year-old girl in the van.

Injured Kiwi home from Bali but big bill remains
Teenica Harrex suffered extensive injuries after a motorbike crash in Bali.

Dad cops abuse, headbutt from son on Father's Day
After a heavy drinking session he headbutted his Dad in the face.

Otago Uni students excluded after 'sadistic' flat initiation
Otago University excludes group after vomiting and head shaving occurred during initiation

Future crime: Kiwi cops cold-call former criminals
Like a scene out of Minority Report, police down south are door-knocking offenders.