Latest fromDrug Abuse
More legal high shops close as local body powers kick in
Government regulators have agreed to shut down Hamilton's six "legal high" synthetic drug shops.
Bingeing puts strain on schools
Australia's teenagers are increasingly becoming trapped in a culture of booze, drugs and gambling.
Synthetic LSD use worries health officials
More tabs of LSD and its deadly synthetic counterpart `N-Bomb' have been seized by police in one month this year than in all of 2012.
Four restrained after taking new drug
Four men had to be restrained at a party in Christchurch after taking a new and dangerous drug with the nickname N-Bomb.
Four in court over upmarket P-lab
Four people appeared in court today facing charges related to a P lab that was discovered in a central Wellington apartment early today.
P-lab found in upmarket apartment
Armed police stumbled onto a P lab in an upmarket Wellington apartment while executing a search warrant just metres from their district headquarters this morning.
'Unstable' Corby in suicide attempt
An Indonesian official has said Schapelle Corby tried to kill herself when he informed her that the government might send her back to prison.
Threat to revoke Corby's parole
Indonesia's justice minister says he may revoke Schapelle Corby's parole after watching an Australian documentary about her release from jail.
Cops on TV raid: we're on track
Australian Federal Police have defended their raid on Seven Network offices and say they found enough to continue investigating plans.
Cohen recalls jail nightmare
Lorraine Cohen knows about drugs. She knows about trying to get clean, then getting dragged back in again.
Three biggest heroin myths
Philip Seymour Hoffman's recent death from a suspected heroin overdose unleashed the usual media coverage of deaths related to this drug.
Schapelle Corby could walk free later today
Convicted drug smuggler Schapelle Corby could be a free woman later this afternoon.
Darien Fenton: 'It's a miracle I survived'
My addiction was a long time ago—more years than I care to remember —in the 1970s. It’s a time I’ve put behind me but it’s still not easy to talk about, writes Darien Fenton.
Opiates claim Kiwi lives
Heroin and opiates have claimed the lives of more than 400 New Zealanders in recent years. One person dies from a fatal overdose every fortnight, on average.
Gene doping looms as the next big cheat
"Bionic man is not far away". That's the assessment of World Anti-Doping Agency director-general David Howman as his organisation.
Stimulant drug fuels fighters
Syria has witnessed a large rise in the use and manufacture of amphetamines as fighters on both sides of its civil war use the drugs for stamina in battle.
Gran finds $50k drug stash in case
An Auckland grandmother opened her suitcase four years after her last overseas trip to discover $50,000 worth of amphetamine stashed in a side pocket.
Tourist, 72, had meth in suitcase
A 72-year-old American man appeared in an Auckland court today for allegedly importing millions of dollars worth of methamphetamine into New Zealand.
China set to cash in on pot boom
As legalisation of marijuana spreads, Chinese companies have the patents ready to exploit new markets.
Costly delays in computer upgrade
Another major government information technology project is experiencing rising costs and delays and is yet to deliver on promised intelligence technology.
Checkpoint alert page under fire
A Facebook page which alerts members to police checkpoints is encouraging drunk drivers to take their chances with all of our lives, police say.
Police to turn heat on Nigella
Scotland Yard looking at laying drugs charges against chef and whether to go after suppliers.
'Drugs hindered my work'
Bradley Cooper has admitted his addictions "hindered" his work.
Star's pre-award pot ritual
Susan Sarandon has admitted smoking marijuana before major award shows.
Toronto Mayor denies offering to buy crack video
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has denied allegations in newly released court documents that he offered $5,000 and a car to suspected drug dealers in exchange for a video that appears to show him smoking crack.
Whittaker's stick by Nigella
Revelations about Nigella Lawson's drug use have not deterred New Zealand's most trusted company from reflecting fondly on its association with her this year.
Ford tried to buy crack vid - documents
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford may have offered $5,000 and a car to suspected drug dealers in exchange for a video that appears to show him smoking crack, court documents show.