Drunk driver admits manslaughter of friend
A drunk teenage driver who crossed a median strip and collided with a Toyota Hilux admits killing his friend in the smash.
A drunk teenage driver who crossed a median strip and collided with a Toyota Hilux admits killing his friend in the smash.
Cabinet minister Paula Bennett's daughter will today appear in court on drink driving charges after being caught during a blitz.
A call for improvements to police pursuits procedure has been welcomed by the family of a teenager killed while fleeing police.
Cyclist hit by car critical but stable, says hospital.
This is the 70-year-old grandmother accused of drink-driving and killing a new dad.
A female driver "accelerated" into a group of cyclists, says one witness, hospitalising four, one with serious head injuries.
Two thirds of cannabis users say the drug doesn't affect their driving ability, while 16 per cent say it improves it.
National MP severely embarrassed by read-driving incident, says Bill English.
The head of 2degrees fully supports a ban on cellphones while driving, after he wrote off another car while being distracted by his.
Cars belonging to repeat drunk drivers should be fitted with a disabling device that detects breath alcohol levels, a lobby group says.
Speed is the biggest killer on New Zealand's roads - with the number of deaths at a five-year high and motorcyclists the leading casualties.