Latest fromDrinking debate

Editorial: Let's consign school balls to history
It is a mystery why these annual events have not been replaced by something more befitting the modern age rather than the epoch of Jane Austen.

<i>Don Kavanagh</i>: Open all hours
Mandatory closing times is not necessarily the answer to society's drinking problems, says Don Kavanagh.

King's boys play game of their lives...
Three days after burying their mate, King's College First XV played the game of their lives to beat arch-rivals Auckland Grammar.

After-balls back on as company gets in on act
After-ball parties are being planned for several schools by a company that approached students on the internet.

Broadsides: Too young to drink?
We asked Labour's Jacinda Ardern and National's Nikki Kaye: Should the drinking age be raised?

Fatal crash: Booze, speed and no licence
Booze, speed and driving without a licence - this combination appeared to be behind last night's death of a young man racing to the beach to watch the sunset.

Crackdown takes drink-drive fight into offenders' homes
Police are targeting a small list of disqualified drink-drivers who have offended at least three times.