Latest fromDiversity

Racism claims split Grey Power
A senior Grey Power official has complained about the planned increase in immigrants in Auckland - prompting claims that his submission is racist.

Pasifika kicks off at Western Springs
Around 100,000 people are expected at Western Springs Lakeside Park in Auckland today for the annual Pasifika festival.

Pasifika Festival comes of age
Island drums and sounds from the Pacific will be joined by those from traditional island choirs and church bands at this year's Pasifika Festival.

Inc!te launches women entrepreneurs week
A women's entrepreneurs week will be kicked off at an event in Auckland on Thursday.

Korean BBQ favourite
When it comes to preparing meat for barbecue no one does it better than the Koreans, believes chef Yeon Yi Go.

Easy way to make curry noodle dish
Laksa is one of the hottest-selling items on the menu of Mamak Malaysian Cafe, and is popular with Asians and non-Asians alike, says chef and cafe co-owner Charlotte Ng.

Gender pay gap widens in New Zealand
The gender pay gap is the biggest it has been in 10 years, according to new data from Statistic New Zealand.

Live Chat replay - Gender diversity with Lesley Whyte
Join us for a replay of live chat about gender diversity in the New Zealand workplace with Lesley Whyte.

NZX companies trail ASX on female representation
NZX-listed companies lag behind their counterparts on the ASX when it comes to women's representation on boards.

Asian eateries keep it real
Ethnic restaurants in Auckland no longer adapt their food for Western tastes and Asian food sold here is of similar quality to what is on offer in Asia, a study shows.

Christianity is losing out
In the battle for believers, Christianity is losing out to religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam.

White faces will soon be a minority
New stats indicate white Europeans could soon lose majority status in Auckland as the combined population of Asians, Pacific Islanders and Maori increases.