Registered sex offender thought he was sending explicit messages to teen ... but he was wrong
It was actually a detective posing as a 14-year-old on Snapchat.
It was actually a detective posing as a 14-year-old on Snapchat.
The housing provider wanted to make the property available for a family.
The neurodiverse teen twice ditched his electronic ankle monitor during the spree.
The 19-year-old's actions scared the mother who called police.
Shane Clayden was a custodial officer in a sexual offenders unit. Now he's an inmate.
'He wanted sex so took it anyway. In that sense, there was particular cruelty.'
Geoffrey Coker maintains he's a "scapegoat" for other teachers he claims abused pupils.
A man was reported for suspicious behaviour on Thursday afternoon.
Teen: 'I don’t want him doing that to other people, it’s not a nice feeling'.
The girl didn't realise it was her teacher as his face was partially covered.
Ben Wong has been suspended while a tribunal investigates his conduct.
Chalise Tei Barton-Barbarich allegedly killed a woman during a brawl.
'I hope the community is outraged,' the woman said.
Peter Niko subjected the woman to a prolonged attack after tricking his way into her home.
The former Marist Brother has already been sentenced three times for preying on children.
Now the Waikato woman has ended up in court for the way she handled the situation.
The grocery store blaze was started in the loo paper aisle and filmed by a TikTok user.
Members of the public provided evidence that helped secure a conviction.
Newly released court documents state he also ran a red light while evading police.
In court this morning, man admits driving charges.
A man was playing golf when he heard screaming; he looked up and saw a woman being beaten.
Matthew Sue claimed one girl was walking funny and he wanted to check her feet were okay.
Enere McLaren-Taana was fatally stabbed at Dunedin's bus hub last year.
Inside the heroin syndicate, young professionals rubbed shoulders with career criminals.
Elizabeth Donohue used the money on jewellery, gifts, debt, and holidays.
Damian Nigal Archbold was caught after uploading material he made to social media.
The judge sent Elaine Rudolph to jail for her 15th disqualified driving charge.
Thomas Henry May had been drinking at a pub and was heading to Hamilton when he crashed.
He didn't appear in court in person today but pleaded guilty through his lawyer.
The person who died had meth and cannabis in his system, the defence emphasised.