Tesla airborne for 28m during crash that killed young lawyer
Tesla then skidded 60m into bank, slid, smashed through pole, rolled, court hears.
Tesla then skidded 60m into bank, slid, smashed through pole, rolled, court hears.
A neighbour reported a cow lying in the yard was "barely alive".
American finance company manager Brett Reck was here on holiday with his wife and child.
Drug seller claims money was from orchard work, building and pokies.
Richard Elzer's family speak at the Auckland District Court sentencing.
The wheelchair-bound ex-con had been released from prison two months earlier.
He walked over to the cake table, picked up a knife and started eating a piece of cake.
'Part of a broader culture of excusing [rape] behaviour' or 'not that easy'?
The commercial meth enterprise started not long after her High Court sentencing.
The derelict Dunedin property was gutted by fire on October 27 last year.
Jacinda Hamilton deeply regrets actions that had a hurtful impact in her workplace.
'Her spirit, her happiness, her laughter is broken,' says judge of victim.
Tuumanako Tawha stomped on the victim's head as he lay on the ground.
“He was collared trying to do a runner,” Crown prosecutor.
One of the dog's owners said she wouldn't be in court as she had other things to do.
He maintains he was asleep when he raped the woman and has no memory of the attack.
'The person sitting over there has taken away the future we planned.'
He is accused of wilful damage and taking a $10,000 car but has name suppression.
Allegations were made in the 1980s but police didn't get involved until 2019.
Roland McKop discovered the girl was only 13 while messaging her.
The Huntly man doesn't have to pay a cent back.
Charges against Dave Henderson described as "waste of taxpayers' money" by judge.
“I have felt soulless ever since," one of his many victims said.
Ashlee Broomfield crashed his motorbike and left his pillion passenger at the scene.
The building project manager also punched an elderly man in the face.
The judge told the recidivist thief supermarkets were sick of people like him.
Mistake deemed a miscarriage of justice in first Criminal Cases Review Commission result.
Ex Junior Warrior had his victim, a man just trying to sell his car, at his beck and call.
The sex offender has claimed a judge erred in placing her on the Sex Offender Register.
Glenn Woodard and his wife were in New Zealand celebrating their wedding anniversary.