Latest fromDistrict Court

Woolworths arsonist was trying to cause a distraction so she could steal groceries
The grocery store blaze was started in the loo paper aisle and filmed by a TikTok user.

Security guard beat his partner in public after late-night row in Wellington
Members of the public provided evidence that helped secure a conviction.

'A wolf in sheep’s clothing:' How one woman's $500k theft destroyed a family business
'Because of you, the company [had] to shut down with the loss of all jobs.'

'Plainly predatory': Man sexually exploited woman with dementia he met at the dairy
'You took advantage of a vulnerable person, our mum who could not defend herself'.

All Black Caleb Clarke sped 110km/h through residential zone as police helicopter followed
Newly released court documents state he also ran a red light while evading police.

Man denies murdering Nelson police officer Lyn Fleming
In court this morning, man admits driving charges.

‘Thuds’ from man's punches as he attacked ex-partner heard by golfer 50m away
A man was playing golf when he heard screaming; he looked up and saw a woman being beaten.

Foot fascination teacher says his 'soul was broken' when he stroked girls' feet
Matthew Sue claimed one girl was walking funny and he wanted to check her feet were okay.

‘A scared child’: 13yo fatally stabbed teen at bus hub after being told to pull down his socks
Enere McLaren-Taana was fatally stabbed at Dunedin's bus hub last year.

'It broke my heart': Mother's grief after man filmed himself abusing infant and toddler
Damian Nigal Archbold was caught after uploading material he made to social media.

Woman’s 73km police chase ends with her hiding on a roof
The judge sent Elaine Rudolph to jail for her 15th disqualified driving charge.

Tired teen was doing up to 176km/h in crash that killed mate
Thomas Henry May had been drinking at a pub and was heading to Hamilton when he crashed.

ABs star 'apologetic and embarrassed', admits dangerous driving and evading police
He didn't appear in court in person today but pleaded guilty through his lawyer.

Senior cop acquitted of causing death in 190km/h motorcycle pursuit
The person who died had meth and cannabis in his system, the defence emphasised.

‘Exposes your true instincts’: Judge slams child abuser for ‘appalling lack of empathy’
He denied being a paedophile, even after pleading guilty to repeated sexual abuse.

‘Kurupt Churchie man’: Ex-Air NZ worker who smuggled meth was a youth mentor
The 'Tongan Pablo' was respected both in church and the criminal underworld.

‘Pure heartlessness’: Man laundered $44k, from 22 victims, for scammers based in Kenya
Patrick Neho claimed he did it to feed his children. In reality, he fed his addictions.

Parole denied: Sex offender still not ready for release from prison
Paiea Waihirere abused a young girl for six years and took photos of the acts.

Teen needed facial reconstruction surgery after work accident on his birthday
'When I first saw myself, I was in shock … why did this happen to me?'

Man with ‘deviant’ interest in children fails to overturn jail sentence he has already served
He was automatically registered as a sex offender but argued the conditions were onerous.

Police officer charged with fracturing man's ribs and elbow during arrest, filing false report
The officer has been granted interim name suppression and is yet to enter a plea.