Tarnished gold
Since winning the women's 800m at the World Championships in Berlin and creating a worldwide stir over her sexuality, Caster Semenya's life has changed irrevocably.
Since winning the women's 800m at the World Championships in Berlin and creating a worldwide stir over her sexuality, Caster Semenya's life has changed irrevocably.
Eight families who say they need help to look after their disabled children have been left waiting almost a year for a decision by the Human Rights Review Tribunal.
The Human Rights Commission has received nearly 200 calls after TV host Paul Henry referred to intellectually-disabled star Susan Boyle as "retarded".
Big Day Out organisers have backtracked and pulled controversial Jamaican performer Beenie Man out of next year's event.
Firebrand MP Hone Harawira has been given two weeks to decide if he wants to remain a Maori Party MP, in the wake of his racially abusive comments about white people.
The Maori Party president suggests embattled Te Tai Tokerau MP Hone Harawira leave the Party and become an independent MP.
Maori Party co-leader Dr Pita Sharples is in the Far North at a hui for embattled MP Hone Harawira.
Hone Harawira's "unacceptable" behaviour has prompted a flood of racist and abusive emails to the Maori Party, co-leader Tariana Turia says.
Hone Harawira's apology has done little to relieve pressure on the Maori Party leadership to take a strong stance against him.
Maori MP Hone Harawira says he'll pay back some of the taxpayers' money used to fund him attending parliamentary business which he skipped away from to see Paris.
Hone Harawira knew his words were wrong minutes after sending an email that included bad language and racist comments, he told media today.
Maori Party MP Hone Harawira has apologised for the language that he used in an email but not the sentiment.
Hone Harawira will front the nation today to apologise for comments he made about white people.
Residents and masters cite anti-women atmosphere in campus halls.
A high-flying NZ banking exec says she was hounded out of her $250,000 pounds ($578,000) a year job in London by sexist Japanese bosses.