Latest fromDiscrimination

Crowds across US demand immigrant rights
Thousands of protesters rallied in cities across America demanding that President Obama tackle immigration reform immediately.

Muslims, Asians need not apply
Aussie anti-immigration campaigner Pauline Hanson has put her Queensland home on the market - but not for everyone.

Sexist Hollywood under fire
Hollywood, aromatic with the scent of gorgeous and available young women, still remains a sexualised and sexist ecosystem.

<i>Chris Rattue:</i> Pull head out of scrum and say sorry
I apologise to the Maori people and the rugby players involved for the disgraceful injustice visited upon them between 1928 and 1960.

Asians ditch identities in hunt for jobs
Desperate job-seeking Asians are taking on Anglicised first names and ditching their traditional surnames in an effort to find work in NZ.

Some welfare reforms do breach rights, says Bennett
Paula Bennett admits that part of her welfare reforms breach the Bill of Rights Act but says it would not bother most people.

Air NZ apologises over claim on Tongan drinking
Air NZ apologises for a crew manual which suggested flight attendants watch Tongans who wanted to "drink the bar dry".

Gay worker wins $15k for sexual harassment
A former Sydney brothel owner turned restaurateur is believed to have fled NZ owing thousands, including a court-ordered $15,000 for sexually harassing a staff member.