Conversion therapy ban bill: Submitters call for stronger law
The proposed law doesn't go far enough, some submitters have argued.
The proposed law doesn't go far enough, some submitters have argued.
Conversion therapy involves attempts to change a person's sexual orientation.
All four officers failed to provide medical care for George Floyd.
Group makes fun of the murder of millions in shocking social media post.
Hindutva groups are attacking academic freedom in New Zealand, he says.
Facebook says artificial intelligence feature "unacceptable error" will be investigated.
Vaccine uptake among Māori is lower by proportion than any other ethnic group in NZ.
Women being forced to cook for the militants; girls as young as 12 traded as sex slaves.
New Zealand's ethnic pay gap is being investigated by the Human Rights Commission.
Maria Dew QC's independent report on MediaWorks, here's what you need to know.
The practice of changing a person's sexual orientation will be banned under the new law.
Steve Braunias meets Tim Fairhall, who fought the law and the law lost.
President of Te Akatea has no doubt that there is a problem with the school system.
He suggested Police Ten 7 was reinforcing negative stereotypes about Māori and Pasifika.
The woman assured others she isn't "racist, sexist or ageist" — but she had a question.
EXPLAINER: Here's what the six proposals actually say, without the political argy-bargy.
There will be consequences for hate speech, writes Leigh-Marama McLachlan.
Findings came when racism was directed at black football players after England's defeat.
A law professor says the MIQ booking system may be discriminatory.
The YouTuber who was fired from Synlait went to an Act Party event — it didn't end well.
THE CONVERSATION:Fashion companies accused of appropriating Indigenous culture for profit.
'I'm a New Zealand permanent resident and should be treated by New Zealand rules.'
The youth, who is now 19, admitted charges of billsticking and possession of a knife.
OPINION: The problem with denouncing hateful views is such comments could also fall foul.
Tensions have exploded on Facebook groups. Security cameras have gone up outside homes.
Semenya's hopes of making it back to the Olympics are dwindling.
THE CONVERSATION: Influencer's "transracial" tag reveals racism, transphobia & privilege.
The actor-director pushed students into explicit sex scenes on camera.
An investigation began in 2017 after several reports of "rampant abuse" at the company.
Making everyone welcome to Rotorua. Made with funding from NZ On Air.