Latest fromDisabilities

Family wins dispute over guardianship of 'human iPod'
Derek Paravicini has severe learning difficulties but is also an extraordinarily talented musician who can instantly remember the most complex of melodies.

Fears for missing woman growing
The family of a woman missing for 12 days say they are going through a "slow living nightmare" as police admit something untoward may have happened to her.

Starving Wellington woman succeeds in death wish
Wellington woman Margaret Page, whose decision to starve herself sparked widespread debate across New Zealand, has died.

Parents win fight to sterilise daughter
The Family Court in Queensland has authorised the parents of a profoundly disabled girl to give their daughter a hysterectomy.

Deaf mate swindles $130k
Mortgage broker Mike Pero feels "violated" by a deaf woman who stole over $130,000 from the Christchurch deaf community by using his name.

A brave dad shoulders the heartbreaking burden of care
Cliff Robinson has invested a lifetime raising his disabled son and daughter and is fighting the Government to lighten his load.

Mercy killings undertaken by two mums, only one goes to jail
Both are loving mothers, who after years of devoted care to their disabled children felt they had no choice but to take the law into their own hands but while one was allowed to walk free from court yesterday the other will go to jail.