More funds in Budget for special education
Special education - or learning support - is a pressure point in the education system.
Special education - or learning support - is a pressure point in the education system.
Man told of cancer over a year after alarming scan that was never followed up, widow tells
Kylee Black talks openly about her incurable condition and an upcoming trip of a lifetime.
More than two-thirds of schools say they don't get enough support for all children.
Woman returns to the city where she became a paraplegic to take on the Rotorua Marathon.
Health minister says a review will be fast-tracked, but refuses to release information.
Funerals for Taylor King and Jeremy Tokotai Kaukasi will be held today and Monday.
She got a note shaming her for using a disabled parking spot, despite having a permit.
Jane Wrightson is one of the people receiving an award from Massey University tomorrow.
Corey Peters had a tough ask to match or better his 2014 Paralympic giant slalom silver.
Law withholding payment from families caring for disabled loved ones is under scrutiny.
Corey Peters' pursuit of a split second faces scrutiny on the slopes of PyeongChang.
Corey Peters will lead the New Zealand team into the Winter Paralympics at PyeongChang.
Disabled people with incurable conditions are worried by the End of Life Choice Bill.
Euthanasia bill poses risks to disabled people, say disability rights groups.
COMMENT: Family carers were deprived of their legal rights by he previous Government.
Labour politicians are placing trust in Health Minister David Clark to sort policy change.
Families of severely disabled are fighting to be paid for their work as carers.
Families of the severely disabled are fighting to be paid for their work as carers.
Education summits in May will kick off wide-ranging reforms.
Diane Moody cares for her son 24-7, but the Government pays for just 17 hours a week.
"People see me out in the community and they judge me .. students at uni think I'm weird."
Boy's new school promises to make the placement "the best it can be for the child".
Pakuranga parents say their autistic son, 12, was bullied by kids and mocked by a teacher.
The 11-year-old boy was locked in the room for up to 10 minutes at a time.
"This is about enabling people to find love and achieve what they want in life."
Charlotte Fischer says her daughter Kaya has become a passionate reader thanks to Speld.
Is this the most inspirational cricketing moment of the year?
"We can't just do one part of society and not include the other parts of society."