Family overwhelmed by support after special needs man assaulted in Upper Hutt
Raymond Burnside, 45, was assaulted on his way home in Lower Hutt on Wednesday evening.
Raymond Burnside, 45, was assaulted on his way home in Lower Hutt on Wednesday evening.
Kiwis have found some creative uses for the motorised scooters.
I hope Ihumātao will not live up to its name with blood being spilled. - Potonga Neilson
Everybody should be able to have a go, fashion leader says ahead of models' casting call.
COMMENT: Disabled Kiwis contending with the backwards processes from last century.
People with life-shortening conditions will get KiwiSaver before age 65.
An intellectually disabled person was given an overdose by staff and died in care.
"I've given up my entire life and marriage to care for her at home," says angry mum.
"I could see wheel tracks all over the grass ... I followed them for as long as I could."
A disrespectful end-of-year award was given to a sixth grader at a US middle school.
The Cookie Project is one of two finalists in the Diversability Category
Statistics show 23 per cent of all land searches in New Zealand are for wanderers.
The Wellbeing Budget has not lived up to its name for disabled people, advocates say.
The parents attended the ceremony and were shocked when they heard about the award.
But parents of disabled employees want current wage exemptions scheme kept
Air NZ says it is one of more than 50 companies that contract Altus Enterprises
She will be paid $123.90 for a 7-hour work day instead of her current $16.10.
Māori, Pasifika, LGBT and the disabled are over-represented in the city's rough sleepers.
COMMENT: The sector is ready to participate in a co-design approach to develop solutions.
Internal review ordered after intellectually disabled man's fatal Auckland motorway fall
What happens when you give disabled people all the help they need? Govt is finding out.
As Kiwis celebrate NZ Sign Language Week, police share reminder about their text service.
For 15 years Andrew Oliver has greeted the milk tanker at his front gate every evening.
Disabled people must be 'front and centre' of Govt's wellbeing budget, commissioner says.
EDITORIAL: It is time we need to reshuffle the health budget's pot of cash.
Documents reveal "appalling" disability sector cost-saving tactics for the first time.
The signs appear to include braille - except the dots have been printed on a flat surface.
Wellingtonian Jacob Dombroski will come onto the show as a guest cast member.
Disabled woman left shaken by vile note which lashed out at her condition.