Latest fromDiet

Is fake meat better for you than real meat?
New York Times: Fake meat is plant-based but ultra-processed – so is it any healthier?

The health benefits of honey – and how to spot the fake stuff
Is honey healthier than sugar? Is expensive better? Here's what the experts say.

Is he yolking? This doctor needs 56 eggs a week
OPINION: The GP's diet consists of eggs and espressos to power him through the day.

From edamame to chickpeas: The best beans for your health
An expert explains why they’re the superfood to eat daily – and how.

The 10 ultra-processed foods to never buy again
Experts recommend which UPFs should be struck off the shopping list for good.

Is red wine really good for you?
From boosting gut health to preventing heart disease, there are benefits to red wine.

The Richard Branson diet: How he stays super-fit at 74
Times: The billionaire shows no signs of slowing down. So what's his secret?

‘Incredibly distressing’: Doctor worries old disease is making NZ comeback
Painful bone growth disorder appears to making a mysterious resurgence among NZ children.

The best food combinations to boost your gut health
A nutritionist runs through all the food pairings that benefit your microbiome.

Cancer-fighting fibre essentials: Why your diet needs more than just protein
Fibre, unlike oh-so-popular protein, is the unsung hero of the modern diet.

Full-fat, trim or oat: What milk really is good for you?
From boosting mood to protecting bones, how does milk stack up against the alternatives?

Your diet could be disrupting your sleep - here’s what to eat instead
Foods rich in fibre and unsaturated fats can lead to fewer cravings for junk food.

What giving up bread really does for your health
She ditched bread for a health reset. But can she give it up for good?

You’re not eating enough protein – here’s why
Telegraph: This is what the right daily amount of protein looks like, meal by meal.

Opinion: Why prunes deserve a place in your diet
Opinion: Add this sweet ingredient for a fibre and nutrient boost.

Opinion: Gut health tips according to a bowel cancer survivor
OPINION: Here's what the GP relies on to get her through the day.

Eight new health habits that are better than a diet
Telegraph: Expert fat loss tips from fitness influencer and author Ben Carpenter.

‘Absolutely vital’: Australia pushes for junk food ad ban
The policy 'tackles the harmful influence of unhealthy food marketing on kids'.

Eight health tips to reverse all the indulgence from the holidays
Telegraph: How to eat healthily at home without feeling deprived.

How to fight annual weight gain with simple habits
Here’s what’s behind this sneaky yearly occurrence and how to prevent it.

Which supplements are worth taking? A nutritionist explains
Some supplements are just 'the sprinkles on top of the icing on top of the cake'.