Latest fromDepartment of Corrections

Prison guards charged with smuggling contraband into jail
Two Auckland prison guards have today been charged with smuggling contraband - including a controlled drug - into jail for inmates. One of the men also faces a charge of unlawful possession of a firearm.

Auckland prison guards arrested
Two Auckland prison guards were arrested today and face a number of charges after a joint operation between police and the Department of Corrections.

Govt calls for tenders on PPP prison
The Government has called for expressions of interest for design, construction and operation of a new privately run prison.

Career criminal earned six-figure income in prison
One of NZ's most-notorious career criminals pulled in a six-figure income while in jail - then picked up legal aid as well.

Police probe prison union over spending
Police have launched an investigation into the prison guards' union with a raid on the organisation's offices.

Prisons to become smoke-free from next year
Department of Corrections bosses found taxpayers could be liable for lawsuits from prison guards exposed to inmates' second-hand smoke.

Goff refused mayors' pleas on jail
Phil Goff rejected mayoral pleas to reduce the height of the Mt Eden Prison development when he was Minister of Corrections in 2007.

Notorious tourist murderer let out of prison
Convicted double-murderer David Tamihere - who killed two Swedish tourists in 1990 - has had his first proper taste of freedom in 21 years.

Top NZ judges reverse Privy Council ruling for first time
Two Supreme Court judges yesterday helped to overrule a Privy Council decision which had earlier trumped their ruling when they were judges on the Court of Appeal.

RSA survivor can sue Corrections, top court rules
Garth McVicar says the Supreme Court's decision to allow RSA massacre survivor Susan Couch to seek damages from Corrections won't open the floodgates to similar lawsuits.

Criminals run riot on parole
Forty-three of NZ's most dangerous criminals have been convicted of serious violent offences committed while they were already on parole.

Staff member verified lies over prison mishap
A Corrections staff member tried to hide his poor supervision of a yard where inmates tipped over a crane, and from where one later escaped.

Sex fiend attacked twice while under strict supervision
One of NZ's most dangerous sex criminals attacked two women while on parole and under Corrections Department supervision.

Child killer becomes sex pest
The country's youngest convicted killer is the subject of a new police complaint, accused of indecently assaulting two female journalists.