Birds affected by Awakino oil spill
Up to 20 birds have been coated with oil after a major spill which clogged a King Country river on Wednesday.
Up to 20 birds have been coated with oil after a major spill which clogged a King Country river on Wednesday.
A young emperor penguin has a 50 per cent chance of survival after filling its throat with sand from a Kapiti Coast beach.
Moves to rush through laws against fouling public areas may not be effective in urban zones.
A kiwi bird thought to have made a mysterious 14,000km journey to a Russian resort town is actually something else altogether.
A new venture in Denniston allows visitors to step back 100 years to experience life in the coal mines, complete with ghostly visions and echoes of another era, writes Jim Eagles.
Has anyone noticed that "100 per cent pure New Zealand" has quietly been changed to "100 per cent pure you"?
Driving round the main Chatham island you see weka everywhere - in fact, they're a pest, writes Jim Eagles.
Department of Conservation (DOC) officials have seized two nets and about 80 fish following reports of commercial fishing in a marine reserve in Auckland.
The Government says Petrobras is following DOC guidelines to minimise the disturbance to marine mammals while it looks for oil off the East Cape.