NZ's lure as the 'loneliest, loveliest land'
NZ's safety and natural beauty mean overseas tourists are flocking to our parks.
NZ's safety and natural beauty mean overseas tourists are flocking to our parks.
Biosecurity teams in Kerikeri are trying to contain the fungal plant disease myrtle rust.
Waitomo has a population of 9600 but more than 500,000 visitors flood in every year.
Many native plant species are under threat after myrtle rust disease is detected in NZ.
Making it an offence to feed kea was just one of the many ideas put forward.
The Department of Conservation is investigating charging overseas visitors higher fees.
Visitors will have to pay more for huts on DoC's popular Great Walks tracks
The Tongariro Alpine Crossing has seen a 10-fold increase in visitor numbers since 1990.
The daily airlift of human waste is hitting DoC's Great Walks budget.
A rare NZ falcon - the bird on the $20 note - has been shot dead at Paraparaumu.
Fishermen looking to tag bronze whaler sharks instead came upon three great whites.
Conservation firm Goodnature is working towards a pest-free country by 2030.
COMMENT: NZ is unlikely to be pest-free by 2050 but rewarding hunters would help.
Barry Head was still grinning hours after helping rescue a stranded pygmy sperm whale.
The New Zealand sea lion - one of just 10,000 remaining - bled to death in the Catlins.
The offensive slogan was one of many to spark a complaint against the company.
Five findings from a new independent stocktake of the state of our lakes and rivers.
Broadcaster Alison Ballance discusses her new book on New Zealand's great white sharks.
A man was winched off the side of Mt Ngauruhoe after he was "skittled" by a rock.
Lake Waikaremoana was a top summer stop-off this season. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Six inmates were awarded certificates after completing courses at Auckland Prison today.
Two pods of the marine animals were spotted this morning including a mother and her calf
Australian man who spent four days up a kauri denied NZ citizenship.
Survival rates fall from 70 per cent in the 1990s to 45 per cent now.
Rescuer killed by avalanche, John Harrison, was one of New Zealand's top climbers.
Stoats ate almost every chick and egg in a Fiordland crested penguin research project.
The inmate who died at Hawkes Bay Prison on Friday was Kolby Heta.
Our alpine parrot may be much smarter than we think, scientists say.
The killer whale was likely the same one that stranded in Whangarei Harbour last year.
The cause of death is not yet known, but photos show possible blunt force trauma to the head.