Five Orcas die after stranding
Volunteers rescue one stranded orca but five die on a remote Bay of Plenty beach.
Volunteers rescue one stranded orca but five die on a remote Bay of Plenty beach.
Green groups want to see a big boost in DoC's core biodiversity budget this Thursday.
New allegations have been made about convicted fraudster Joanne Harrison.
Two more rare NZ sea lions have been killed in squid trawl nets in the Auckland Islands.
COMMENT: The Government has show conservation only has value when it makes a buck.
An opportunity for local artists to combine creativity and conservation is unveiled today.
The rare sighting in Akaroa was a treat for cruise passengers.
We asked the Ministry of Primary Industries official heading the response.
Officials are scrambling to gather seeds of 33 native plant species in Myrtle Rust's path.
DoC will develop new Great Walks, including short ones, with part of a $76m funding boost.
The government has allocated $60m in new funds for tourist infrastructure.
A 45cm long stoat has been trapped in a conservation area.
Workers protected from prosecution if seals die during rebuilding of quake-damaged SH1.
Native songbirds will sing at Whangarei Heads for the first time in 140 years.
Kiwi, Maui dolphin and great white sharks feature on a list of 150 species prioritised.
Biosecurity officials say the myrtle rust incursion's implications for NZ remain unclear.
Lab tests come back negative for a second nursery as a third possible case is found
A survey of 148 DOC staff suggests room for improvement in genetics-based conservation.
NZ's safety and natural beauty mean overseas tourists are flocking to our parks.
Biosecurity teams in Kerikeri are trying to contain the fungal plant disease myrtle rust.
Waitomo has a population of 9600 but more than 500,000 visitors flood in every year.
Many native plant species are under threat after myrtle rust disease is detected in NZ.
Making it an offence to feed kea was just one of the many ideas put forward.
The Department of Conservation is investigating charging overseas visitors higher fees.
Visitors will have to pay more for huts on DoC's popular Great Walks tracks
The Tongariro Alpine Crossing has seen a 10-fold increase in visitor numbers since 1990.
The daily airlift of human waste is hitting DoC's Great Walks budget.
Mining in the Denniston Plateau is being discussed, says Minister Simon Bridges.
An autopsy needs to be completed before a name can be confirmed of body in bush
A rare NZ falcon - the bird on the $20 note - has been shot dead at Paraparaumu.