Four Hector's dolphins found dead on South Island beaches
The beachcast dolphins were found in the second half of November.
The beachcast dolphins were found in the second half of November.
Workers went to check the site and got dive-bombed by the rare native birds.
It would be used as private accommodation for up to 50 days a year.
Ngāti Rangi is teaming up with DoC on projects that will create jobs for local people.
Waihi Beach and Bowentown locals fear for holidaymakers as encounters increase.
Analysis showed the bird was a South Island giant moa that died around 700 years ago.
Analysis of moa skeleton discovered on Stewart Island points to lost local population.
"I heard off in the distance a large crashing sound."
It was the highest rescue in New Zealand's history.
On the notorious West Coast, the name Cape Foulwind shouldn't raise any eyebrows.
Despite being bitten, he was able to drive home before heading to hospital.
Watch out for defensive swooping behaviour during the November-December nesting season.
DoC's science advisor says the bats aren't scary, so much as misunderstood.
Milford track and other Great Walks have rare free spaces for those who can get there.
The birds join a kiwi Kōhanga for the birds on the island.
Cancellations have opened up spaces in Milford and popular Great Walk Huts.
New Zealand sounded a lot different before humans arrived.
The couple found themselves in a snowy ridge in the dark.
Booked the summer campsite yet? You better get in quick if you want one of NZ's top spots.
Ngāti Hau pleased with investigation into mercury contamination at Puhipihi mine.
Mount Maunganui residents were treated to quite a show by a pod of orca whales.
DoC was hoping Toa could be reunited with his pod – but he died after almost a fortnight.
Toa the orca calf was cared for 24/7 until he died.
Award images of surgical waste and rare animals are a health check on our oceans.
Tourism pledges are popping up all over the world. But do they work?
Beach trips and busy carparks; DoC's recent report shows how Kiwis spent their summer.
A seal pup was found with cuts on its back on an Auckland's Narrow Neck beach.
"The last thing we want is for the seal to be hit."
The job's taken him from Antarctica to Wellington, but it ends where it began - Hokitika.