First hung election in 70 years
Up to 80,000 uncounted votes will determine which of the two major Australian parties forms a minority government.
Up to 80,000 uncounted votes will determine which of the two major Australian parties forms a minority government.
Cobber, it's as tight as the proverbial. The Australian election has gone down to the wire with pundits flailing helplessly to call a result.
The Australian election has ended in a hung Parliament for the first time since WW2.
Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott are mounting their final assault on undecided Australian voters.
Queenslanders may well determine who governs Australia for the next three years.
The Royal Family has made a late entry into the Australian election campaign.
Polls show the outcome of the Australian general election is anything but certain.
Manukau Mayor Len Brown and Auckland City Mayor John Banks are almost tied in the latest Herald-DigiPoll survey.
Two new polls offer a shred of hope for the election campaign of Prime Minister Julia Gillard.
Australia's election campaign has narrowed to a final, desperate two weeks.