Latest fromDemocracy
Hone Harawira's statement on his caucus suspension
The statement delivered by Maori Party MP Hone Harawira following his suspension from the Maori Party cacus.
Harawira wants to stay with party
Hone Harawira is remaining defiant and has criticised the "public relations disaster" for the Maori Party, but wants to stay with the party and stand for it at the next election.
Goff refuses to rule out Harawira as coalition partner
Phil Goff has refused to rule out Hone Harawira as a somewhat unlikely potential coalition partner following this year's election.
Harawira suspension follows years of disunity - Fox
Division between Hone Harawira and Maori Party leadership ran so deep the party caucus had difficulty working together, Derek Fox claims.
Harawira arrives at Parliament
MP Hone Harawira has arrived at Parliament to front up to Maori Party colleagues after being suspended from their ranks yesterday.
Support for Harawira starting to wane - kaumatua
Hone Harawira has widespread support in his electorate - but that support is starting to wane, a Ngapuhi kaumatua says.
<i>Audrey Young:</i> Too little too late for Harawira
Hone Harawira's suspension from the Maori Party caucus this afternoon apparently took Harawira by surprise, as it did everyone else.
PM not keen on 'Mondayising' holidays
PM John Key has poured cold water on the idea of allowing holidays that fall on the weekends to be taken on another day.
Harawira called to urgent meeting
Hone Harawira has been called to an urgent meeting of the Maori Party's disciplinary and disputes committee on Tuesday as it tries to end the strife over his criticism of its relationship with the Government.
Disciplinary action to start against Harawira
Ructions in the Maori Party are to continue with a disciplinary hearing against Hone Harawira to be held in the second week of February.
Leadership discussion 'a distraction' - Bird
Maori Party President Pem Bird says calls to discuss changing the party leadership a 'distraction' ahead of a complaint hearing against Hone Harawira.
High profile Australians join call for new flag
Twelve former Australians of the Year have banded together to call for a new national flag.
Greens walk out of doomed Irish coalition
The Dublin political world was in ferment yesterday as the junior partner in the doomed administration pulled its ministers out of government.
Irish PM wins party leadership vote
PM Brian Cowen won a confidence vote yesterday in his leadership of Ireland's Fianna Fail Party.
Mayor defends hobby suggestions for councillors
Wellington's mayor has defended a leaked email which suggests councillors learn Te Reo, Mandarin or ballroom dancing to keep 'mentally fit'.
Looking to build hope in a troubled Burma
Pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi talks to the Herald about the future of Burma, her family and why Kiwis can make a difference
Tragedy brings back old Obama
Addressing a crowd of 14,000 in a University of Arizona arena, Barack Obama said exactly what you would hope.