Latest fromDancing With The Stars

Steve Braunias on DWTS: I'm calling bullshit on that
Steve Braunias looks back on 10 weeks of the toughest assignment in NZ journalism – DWTS.

Soper: David Seymour's dance of the constipated peacock is over
COMMENT: Like Rodney Hide before him, the Act leader's dance foray ends in ignominy.

DWTS: Dance-off spells doom for David Seymour
Last night the show got rid of the one contestant who made it truly interesting.

Steve Braunias: Send in the clown - don't bother, he's here
COMMENT: Last night's semifinal saw David Seymour not even bother to dance.

DWTS: Roger's over and out no surprise
Dancing DJ and his beautiful voice thrown to lions after show turns tedious.

DWTS: Buffoon Seymour turns serious
The David Seymour Show introduces a new twist as its star actually dances rather well.

DWTS: Suzy out as lunatic takes over asylum
Exit of Cato one more sign of craziness in the show's latest season.

DWTS is now as vanilla as a scoop of Tip-Top
David Seymour is the show's emblem, its adorable mascot.

Jess Quinn signed to LA modelling agency
Jess Quinn will be sharing her inspiring journey as soon as the show has finished.

Why DWTS just eliminated the wrong person
It was obvious who ought to have been put in the electric chair, and it wasn't Marama.

Marama Fox leaves DWTS after tense dance-off
Marama Fox was voted off the competition in the first cut-throat double dancing round.

DWTS: A shocker, a stinker, a howler, a Sunday horror
COMMENT: For all Farrelly's fallings, it's the Act MP who deserves to be voted off next.

Watch: Roger Farrelly takes an epic tumble on DWTS
"I don't know where to start, I wasn't sure if it was a quickstep or a 3k run."

Bachelor Zac's big problem on the dancefloor
Alas poor Zac. He could kind of dance. But he had one big issue he couldn't overcome.

What's going on with the DWTS judges?
In-fighting breaks out as judges Julz and Camilla appear to gang up on dominatrix Rachel.

Dancing With the Stars just had a shocker of a night
Everything that could go wrong did go wrong in last night's Dancing with Stars.

Dancing with the Stars NZ judging LA's best
This year's Dancing with the Stars NZ judges tips for making the most of the LA.

Dancing with the Stars faces the chop
Ratings hit Dancing with the Stars could be the next reality TV show on the chopping block.

The secret diary of ... Dom Harvey
War correspondent Steve Braunias files a chilling excerpt from the diary of an unfortunate victim of PC Gone Mad.

Stars back column defending Chrystal
"The fact that Chrystal has not accepted Dom's apology feels like a watershed moment. For so long he has offended so many people, scooching by with a mild apology..."

Simon Barnett wins DWTS
The man with the dad-bod has been crowned the winner of Dancing With the Stars.