Cyclone Gabrielle: Thousands in East Coast likely to need temporary accommodation after cyclone - MBIE
Planning is under way to house those displaced by Cyclone Gabrielle.
Planning is under way to house those displaced by Cyclone Gabrielle.
The singer will make a donation to the Hawke’s Bay Foundation’s Cyclone Relief Fund.
A further 149 homes have been yellow-stickered.
Gisborne man Joseph Ahuriri has been missing for a week after storm hit in Napier.
Ian Cadwallader takes the Herald through house where he thought he'd find three bodies.
Susane Caccioppoli, a cancer survivor, was last seen by her boyfriend on February 14.
People living in Puketapu have lost their homes, but found their community.
Police are bolstering resources as people struggle with the effects of the storm.
The pilots would keep flying “for as long we have donations coming in”.
'Once the power and everything went out, we were flying blind,' council executive says.
Almost a week on from Cyclone Gabrielle, work goes on to restore services and clean up.
Supplies arrive at the cut-off community.
All the latest developments from Sunday following Cyclone Gabrielle.
The Government looks overseas for help in the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle, police crackdown as arrests are made for looting and rescue efforts dwindle in Turkey and Syria in the latest New Zealand Herald headlines. Video / NZ Herald
Donation follows huge community support for fundraiser.
More than 100 officers from throughout New Zealand have joined those in Eastern District.
OPINION: New Zealanders will be affected by this disaster, here's how to cope.
How will improvements be paid for? And how do we build back better?
Chris Hipkins warn the cyclone recovery will be a steep mountain to climb.
The idea he was asleep at the helm is completely wrong, says Wayne Brown.
Sometimes flood stories can sound a lot like fairytales.
Complaints after advertising for Bed, Bath and Beyond uses cyclone to sell goods.
One Mum paid more than $7000 to fly her two daughters out to safety.
The Prime Minister delivers the latest on the cyclone's aftermath.
Communities are really pulling together in the cyclone response but have been forced to pay for private choppers to get in supplies to Patoka and surrounding communities. Video / Mike Scott
More than 80 roads are still completely closed in Auckland after the cyclone.
Tiniroto bridge in Wairoa is near to collapse due to slash build-up. Video / Tish Peterson
Several Napier suburbs will get power back soon, but one elderly couple is making do.
Napier MP Stuart Nash has called on the community to be patient.
Telco boss calls blunder disheartening for crews working 24/7. Telcos offer free data.