Zhang and Huahua: Heartbreaking tale of man and dog who bobbed on apple bin in floodwaters
The water was up to the roof of his two-storey home: "How can I feel safe rebuilding?"
The water was up to the roof of his two-storey home: "How can I feel safe rebuilding?"
A rural Hawke's Bay community is finding ways to get by amid plenty of challenges.
A Healthy Homes initiative has been launched in the Tararua District.
David Guerin lost years' worth of work when floods hit his home.
After the Auckland floods and Cyclone Gabrielle, many damaged homes are still in limbo.
The Kiwi star has cancelled one show but added two more to her tour schedule.
Mainfreight truck is stuck on a collapsed road northwest of Gisborne, forcing its closure.
Dave Letele's BBM charity has refitted 42 homes of affected whānau.
A total of 11 people were confirmed to have died during the cyclone.
Rural communities of Rissington, Patoka and Puketitiri welcome bridge.
Salvaging and restoring precious taonga from a ruined marae is emotional work.
"People are like, 'What? We didn’t know you’d even been hit'."
Last week, police said there was very little information to follow up on.
NZ's largest eftpos network shows spending was down last month in cyclone-impacted areas.
The main highway between Hikuai and Whangamatā was closed after a washout on Sunday.
By Māori, for Māori solutions can benefit all - I wouldn't support them if they didn't.
More high-profile Kiwi artists join the concert to raise funds for flood victims.
The resident vehicle passes were introduced last week, but have already been ripped off.
Workers pushed to limit as frustration leads to some stress-related abuse.
Hawke's Bay Māori have tough decisions to make on marae locations
The Government is setting up a steady, thorough process on recovery and resilience.
They and their pets were forced to move out after the cyclone red-stickered their house.
Two more deaths were confirmed by police this morning, taking the toll to 11.
Why growth, immigration, better planning laws and PPPs are key to the rebuild.
MetService is warning that thunderstorms and downpours are possible.
Got business news? Email zoe.hunter@nzme.co.nz or carmen.hall@nzme.co.nz.
The government is funding free telehealth and digital services for those unable to travel.
"I'm a bit of a magpie for sparkly things."
Celebrity chef aiming to create NZ’s “biggest-ever dinner party”.
More money, more jobs in local TV and films, but weather disasters could test resilience.