Residents 'denied a voice' in cyclone recovery efforts
Cyclone Gabrielle recovery efforts have been criticised by the Human Rights Commission.
Cyclone Gabrielle recovery efforts have been criticised by the Human Rights Commission.
Road design of decades ago was not up to extreme weather in the current climate.
Ian Foster felt the ABs couldn’t head to France without paying some respects to region.
The investment is in 'immediate works' stemming from cyclone damage.
The report warned the region had less than 10 years before felling caused land collapse.
Work is under way on the bridge at Waitangi, and it could open to trains next month.
It's almost six months since Cyclone Gabrielle blasted apart the Redlyffe Bridge.
Govt offer to help HB councils buy out damaged homes is still far from a done deal.
'The camera remained operational and enabled police to identify potential suspects.'
The upbeat 81yo has found solace in the craft she holds close to her heart - weaving.
The 84-year-old was paralysed by a stroke as water and mud came up close to his eye-level.
Five months has now passed since Joseph Ahuriri's disappearance during Cyclone Gabrielle
After a wet start to 2023, NZ's north can expect a welcome shift to drier conditions.
More than $16m in requests for assistance unmet after claims reach $20m.
A homeowner says the scope of works from her insurer underestimates the work needed.
OPINION: Parnell businesses still have questions over stormwater management.
It turns out most of the submitters to the council's annual plan want more horse trails.
Kiri Allan has not yet spoken publicly since her arrest apart from a brief statement.
More properties can rebuild, but the future of 600 in Wairoa is still unclear.
Five months of searching has found no sign of Joseph Ahuriri.
"They inspire our wāhine."
Winter Art Deco brought a thrill to the chill. The weather: They were over it.
The embattled brewery's core range is back in stock.
A new site for Cranford Hospice is "urgent" and $14m has already been committed to it.
People from as far away as the US and Australia are attending the boutique festival.
Owners of red- and yellow-stickered homes are still paying rates for properties.
A new payment aims to catch people missing out on temporary accommodation aid.
Karekare homeowners say the new fund for displaced residents brings a sigh of relief.
Eskdale School has been given the news that their original rebuild plan will go ahead.