Great southern tale - Endeavour's forgotten hero
Auckland Museum leads the way with new adventures in New Zealand history.
Auckland Museum leads the way with new adventures in New Zealand history.
Janet Frame's literary masterpiece Owls Do Cry now a world-first stage production.
Ashleigh Young considers the life and times of one of NZ's greatest unsung musicians.
Joker is a largely uninspired riff on the clown prince of crime and ideologically empty.
Charity that helps youth at risk gets major boost from event organisers extraordinaire.
Former physiotherapist turned writer wins major New Zealand award.
Novelist is accused of obsession with his brief career in the intelligence service.
Will there be a phantom at the opera? Not when it comes to young stars.
Bach Musica continues proud tradition of bringing music off familiar repertoire trails.
Opera star knows the real things that scare don't go bump in the night.
Dolly Parton tells of the moment she moved a man to tears.
Rene Zellweger's performance as Judy Garland may be show-stopping Oscar bait.
Caitlyn Cook is the subject of the short documentary My Breakup with God.
Auckland Philharmonia reveals its 2020 season with special birthday celebrations.
Being welcome is the start of successful immigration. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
A few days before his first ever DJ set, in New York City, Greg Bruce learns to DJ.
The Kiwi choreographer who's got the biggest gig in NZ dance on why taking risks is good.
Author Paula Morris discovers the French town where fans of literature and rugby meet.
South Auckland schools dominate in annual entertainment competition.
A mighty combo of great composer, the APO and Auckland Choral equals rousing night.
A decade away, Samoan playwright returns home to show us what she's learned.
Viktoria Mullova shows why she's one of the biggest stars of classical music.
Comic moments and sordid decadence collide in show-stealing performances.
Two of the greatest classical musicians alive treat APO fans to the concert of a lifetime.
Mary Poppins The Musical returns to Auckland in April next year.
Rima Te Wiata on lust, letters and longing for a scone.
Music is more than entertainment at NZ's only music therapy centre.
Times: Will the book The Testaments impact on TV's The Handmaid's Tale? Moss tells all.
NZ author reveals the link between reading and how the USA plans future prisons.
Gallipoli connections bring musicians from Anatolia and Aotearoa together.