Tongan Language Week focuses on key ways to keeping the mother tongue alive
Tongan will be sustainable if spoken at home, church, and in the wider community.
Tongan will be sustainable if spoken at home, church, and in the wider community.
Taurangamoana iwi bless ambulances repurposed for Ukraine.
Māori designer soaks up the spotlight at NZ Fashion Week.
Black Seeds front man on Waiata Anthems 2
Indigenous leaders want the Voice to be heard in Aussie referendum.
David Seymour will be bookended by Willie Jackson and John Tamihere at the debate.
"We are in a fight for our reo. We are in a fight for our culture," Willie Jackson says.
The language must not be weaponised to divide Aotearoa, he says.
Lost Tribe Aotearoa releases their first ever te reo Māori waiata.
Australian PM sets October 14 as the date for a critical Australian referendum.
Both were considered bad boys and have been on different journeys.
The council is spending $1.8m on security - but Tania Tapsell wants more police.
Comedy is the crowd favourite at the Hawke’s Bay Arts Festival.
Māori have rights by agreement, not conquest, says party president
Northland fighters preparing for their next encounters.
Oriori were often composed by parents and elders of the community.
Annette Sykes unhappy Jennifer Ward-Lealand appointed to Māori Language Commission.
Mark Lang found his Māori and spiritual guidance in prison.
High Court rules transferring wāhine Māori away from whānau is illegal.
New York Times: the best way to explore Bath in just 36 hours.
News snippets from the Far North.
The victim was allegedly subjected to numerous assaults and forced to dig her own grave.
Two stuffed Huia being auctioned in UK should be in Aotearoa, says Dame.
Artist Tui Emma Gillies grew up in a room covered in traditional Tongan tapa cloth.
Labour’s proposal to integrate financial literacy in schools an opportunity for Māori.
Wāhine Māori land down the National Party list.
The first ever national Māori women's cricket tournament to be held in Hastings.
OPINION: A Working for Families review will not help those who need it most.
The crackdown goes beyond eat, pray, pamphlet, as Bali's Tourism Task force start work.
20-year-old Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clark is No 4 on the Te Pāti Māori list