Focus: Covid Outbreak | Friday 22nd April Wrap
22 April 2022 | There are 9,390 new community cases of Covid-19 and a further 13 deaths to report today. Video / NZ Herald
22 April 2022 | There are 9,390 new community cases of Covid-19 and a further 13 deaths to report today. Video / NZ Herald
The first time the boy had barely a sniffle - the second, he was 'really, really crook'.
The person was positive with Covid-19 for nearly a year and a half.
Person aged between 10 and 19 is one of 13 people reported to have died with Covid.
Week 2 wrap: Crushing egg-shells and catching Covid on the Australian campaign trail.
Experts call for urgent action amid concern about Covid's impact on mental health.
During the pandemic, women have carried much of the unpaid emotional and domestic burden.
OPINION: An epidemiologist responds to claims New Zealand over-reacted to the threat.
Focus: Covid Outbreak | Thursday 21st April Wrap. Video / NZ Herald
Covid-19 booster vaccine campaign has all but stalled, with demand drying up.
OPINION: We are in a world of trouble, writes Hosking.
OPINION: Inflation is bad news for the Govt, but could anyone have done a better job?
A technical hiccup meant the case numbers were delayed by nearly four hours.
It's abhorrent officials thought MIQ wasn't justified at that time, women say.
New York Times: Masks work best when everyone in the room has one on.
There are 11,217 new community cases today and 13 more people have died with Covid-19. Video / NZ Herald
Lockdowns of Chinese truck drivers and factory staff hitting production, orders.
Omicron cases and hospitalisations have been declining in recent weeks.
Celebrations and applause were met with confusion and anger amongst some passengers.
Why MIQ could’ve ended a lot earlier, calls for an inquiry at New Zealand’s ports and more sanctions imposed on Russia in the latest New Zealand Herald headlines. Video / NZ Herald
The recorded announcement was met with cheers and celebration as masks were removed.
Experts say it's unlikely most Kiwis will need to boost themselves more than once a year.
The seven-day rolling average of case numbers continues to decline. Video / NZ Herald
Top health officials agreed last year MIQ was 'no longer justifie' for most returnees.
Singapore is Jacinda Ardern's first port of call - followed by Japan later in the week.
The deaths reported today takes New Zealand's total to 602 since the pandemic began.
Crowded House forced to pull the pin on final shows of long-awaited Aussie tour.
New York Times: Those unable to be with dying loved ones find no closure with the penalty.
Thousands of planned surgeries have been delayed due to the Omicron outbreak.
Epidemiologists call for new system that could also be used against severe flu outbreaks.