QR scans still too low despite bubble, app game
Kiwis still worryingly complacent about scanning QR codes, despite tweaks to tracer app.
Kiwis still worryingly complacent about scanning QR codes, despite tweaks to tracer app.
The first full year of closed borders is reflected in the latest migration numbers
'I've also had issues when booking my own family members,' South Auckland GP says.
New York Times: Babies and small children are succumbing to the virus at a high rate.
As at April 30, 291 invoices are overdue by more than 180 days.
The results from the new samples are expected to be available tomorrow evening.
New York Times: The world is nowhere close to having enough Covid vaccines.
COMMENT: Parenting's tough enough in normal times. In a pandemic, it's brutal.
We still don't know how effective NZ's sewage testing is, expert says.
More vaccinators urgently needed to deal with the community turnout in south Auckland.
COMMENT: As borders begin to reopen, the time has come for an economic reset.
EDITORIAL: Our long-term problems are harder to sort out than vaccinations and reopening.
Just over 1000 cases in the last year, Taiwan has its worst Covid outbreak yet.
Getting back to business as usual is probably for the next Budget, Thomas Pippos says.
Report recommends a more even split of housework and childcare between couples.
Experts say latest 'weak' positives fit pattern of old infections picked up in wastewater.
It's likely the result is due to recovered cases continuing to shed the virus, MoH says.
And his advice about the much-disputed "five-second rule" ...
Most abuse subjects are women, which translates into highly gendered hate.
Dr Nick Coatsworth has a stern warning for all Australians.
Anyone in NZ who was at Melbourne places of interest must call Healthline for advice.
Long-term biochemical impacts discovered in more than half of those who get Covid.
At least three mutated variants have birthed in India.
States, businesses divided over guidance relaxing mask use as vaccine rollout progresses.
OPINION: The PM has to convince business leaders New Zealand is on the right track.
Even with Covax help, many countries won't reach 60 per cent coverage until 2023 or later.
Maher, who is fully vaccinated, is "asymptomatic and feels fine".
As in Delhi and Mumbai, Kathmandu's residents are dying at home and outside hospitals.
A group of 18 scientists reignited the debate over whether Covid-19 escaped from a lab.
Contact tracers continue to follow up with 4500 recent arrivals from Victoria.