Heather du Plessis-Allan: Our mood has changed this lockdown
We've now done this long enough to know how mentally tough these weeks will be.
We've now done this long enough to know how mentally tough these weeks will be.
Mama Doctor Jones has two million followers and is a locum OBGYN in the States.
Everything is being reviewed as the Government looks at changing vaccine strategy.
The new locations are dated pre-lockdown, from August 11-17.
Ex-Green Party candidate and climate change activist Luke Wijohn's video of a confrontation with police where he was threatened with arrest when out for a walk. Video / Luke Wijohn
They believe China's leaders did not know about virus before the start of the pandemic.
Jacinda Ardern's hoped-for trip to the UN probably won't happen.
The female rider could now be facing the prospect of being fined.
But 'while it is still in known clusters, you can't say it's out of control.'
Native leaders are urging Hawaiians to get vaccinated and wear masks.
Act thinks Parliament is coming back next week - but that might not be the case.
Gang members have been trespassed from the best whitebaiting spot on the Grey River.
Two children are among 11 people who have died from Covid-19 in Fiji.
He has been told he could be removed from the burial grounds if he tries to enter.
Calls from transport group to avoid the "monumental mess" at the border last time.
It was less Point Break and more point escape for a rule-breaking surfer this morning.
OPINION: The Government can't shirk responsibility for our woeful vaccination rates.
Looking after kids amid lockdown can come with a side order of "parenting guilt".
OPINION: That outbreak has happened. The plan has been followed. It seems to be working.
EDITORIAL: NZ behind other counties in rolling out the vaccine, but steadily improving.
OPINION: Stare at the walls. The walls stare back. Go to bed. Who can sleep?
What would you prefer - a swab up your nose or drooling onto a teaspoon?
Auckland Hospital has a backlog to ensure N95 masks worn by staff are fitted correctly.
100 days ago Delta didn't even have a name. A month ago become the only show in MIQ.
We might get there, but don't expect Delta Level 1 to be the same as the old Level 1.
Today saw a new record number of daily cases declared.
A daily wrap of all the main developments in the Covid-19 Delta outbreak as New Zealand is plunged into lockdown for the fifth time. Video / Mark Mitchell / Brett Phibbs
Extended lockdown is bad news for stranded domestic travellers.
New York Times: Vaccination remains best defence but some infections still occur.
Would increased saliva testing have reduced wait times at testing centres last week?