Latest fromConnect

Cast your net for customers
From music to fast food, more Kiwis are choosing to shop online. But retailers need to provide good, old-fashioned service, reports Steve Hart

Untangling the web for your business
Most customers go online to choose what they’ll buy. Why can’t they find many businesses there, asks Gill South.

Road Warrior: Driving his business
In the old days, the office drove the business. Diana Clement finds a businessman who’s driving his office.

Juha Saarinen: We are all pirates now
How easy is it to be accused of copyright infringement and potentially be caught up into a months-long legal process, asks Juha Saarinen

Per gigabyte internet charges ridiculous
Patrick Kershaw says charging per gigabyte is wrong. "It is anachronistic to a country moving toward prevalence of the UFB and ultra fast connectivity everywhere."

Chris Barton: Kim's great dotcomedy
The guerrilla performance artist Kim Dotcom pulled off the greatest dotcomedy of his career last week - making NZ PM John Key a laughing stock, writes Chris Barton.

NZ link to riotous birthday
A Kiwi has been identified as the mastermind behind a viral internet invitation that led to more than 3000 people gatecrashing a Dutch teenager's birthday and trashing the town.

Silicon Valley success by wildfire
In the cut-throat world of Silicon Valley, Kiwi Victoria Ransom says it's a blessing she came out on top.

Facebook reveals breath test sites
Police are threatening to post phoney messages about fictitious breath testing check points on Facebook pages set up to help drunk drivers avoid being caught.

The Diary: ABs tow the sponsor's line
Kim Dotcom has 'apologised' for making a rape joke, but tweeted another link to '15 rape jokes that work'.

Shroff wary of Govt data in 'cloud'
Privacy Commissioner Marie Shroff is highlighting risks around 'cloud computing' just after a Government-announced push for it.

Twitter's social egos deflated by fake followers
Lady Gaga's got 30 million, Wayne Rooney nearly five. But how many of their Twitter followers actually exist?