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Complaints over Nexus One 'Googlephone'
Google has received more than 100 complaints about the Nexus One.

Will internet kill the video store?
The movie rental business is under threat from faster broadband speeds that allow consumers to download films without leaving home.

Too tubby to be gorgeous, so NZ pair get the push
Two kiwis who put on weight over Christmas have been expelled from a social networking site for good-looking people only.

Mobile phones may improve memory - study
Mobile phones may improve memory and protect against Alzheimer's disease, scientists have discovered.

Shock over deadly internet choking craze
Children are posting videos on the internet showing them choking other youngsters to the point of collapse.

Twitter user has unwelcome double
A Tauranga man found he had a high-profile namesake after receiving a deluge of confusing political messages on Twitter.

Suppression breach accused blogger to defend charges
An internet blogger says his arrest on charges of breaching court suppression orders has seen a huge increase of hits on his site.

The decade's biggest viral videos
Kiwi 'Lonelygirl15' found web stardom and became one of the ten best viral internet videos from the last decade.

<i>Life in 2030:</i> NZers becoming wired citizens of global society
Today's Facebook generation will help blur national boundaries in future, a researcher says.

Kiwi's brazen bank scam
A Kiwi conman posing as an international banker is called an 'economic danger to the community' as he's jailed for multi-million dollar fraud.

Virus-hit Waikato DHB restarts computers
Waikato DHB is re-starting computers in key locations after staff worked all-night battling a computer virus which crippled the organisation