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Rumours round the world in twinkling of a tweet
Anna Paquin's bisexuality, Russell Crowe's bar-room brawl in London - ever wondered how everyone seemed to know before you?

How sex, food and war drive technology
Writer Peter Nowak starts his survey of technology by linking war, porn and fast food - the idea surfaced after he saw the lurid sex tape of Paris Hilton.

nzherald Live - get news faster
From today readers have yet another way of getting their news first - with an add-on to the Firefox browser.

DoC on track of Norwegian kereru killers
Wildlife enforcement officials have identified the Norwegians suspected of having been involved in slaughtering protected native kereru in NZ.

Kereru-shooting video sparks outrage
Five Norwegian men who shot New Zealand wildlife were today ducking for cover as a row continued over their YouTube video of protected kereru being slaughtered.

Woman speaks after PM dumps her from Facebook
A woman who posted a "polite but forthright" message about whaling on the Prime Minister's Facebook page found herself quickly cut from his online social circle.

Critics pick holes in child porn filter
Some New Zealanders are likely to get a nasty shock while browsing the internet over the next few months - a web page on their computer saying "STOP!". under the hammer - but can sex still sell?
Potential bidders in the domain auction won't be allowed in the room without a certified cheque for US$1 million.