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Web predator's new victims
An Auckland woman has been revealed as the internet predator grooming Christchurch boys for sex.

Fibre ready homes 'anything but'
Some new homes built in areas marketed as "fibre ready" do not have the wiring to support ultra-fast broadband, says an industry standards group.

Labour defends support for file sharing bill
The Labour Party has defended its support for a controversial internet piracy bill.

Controversial internet piracy bill becomes law
A Govt law tackling unauthorised movie and music downloads and illegal file sharers...

Controversial file-sharing law to pass today
Internet users are voicing their opposition as the Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Bill - the Government's compromise on the controversial Section 92A legislation - is rushed through Parliament.

Critic hits out at Telecom's high pay
Telecom executives' salaries are 'unacceptably high', says a shareholders group. 'They are blaming everyone but themselves for the company's faltering financial position', the group claims.

Telco looks at motion lock on mobiles
Vodafone is watching the overseas use of technology capable of locking drivers out of mobile phone functions.

Want a free iPad? Don't fall for the Facebook spam bait
Social media is the new spam target, and Facebook - with 500 million users - is the biggest target of them all.

Facebook testing 'real time' ad targeting
Facebook is testing a new system that instantly targets ads based on the content of members' wall posts and status updates.

Pacific Fibre seeks tenders to build new undersea cable
Pacific Fibre, the local start-up looking to build a second internet cable linking New Zealand to the world, has put out a tender to have its system built.

No Google honeymoon for Larry Page
As Larry Page's ascension to the chief executive post this week marks a coming of age for him, Google itself is also coming of age in another way.

Don't 'friend' the boss on Facebook, Kiwis say
Almost half of Kiwis say they are uncomfortable with "friending" their boss on a social networking site.