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Outgunned Google accuses rivals of ganging up in patent war
Google is the only one not in a consortium buying a portfolio of thousands of technology patents from bankrupt firm Nortel Networks.

A picture of times gone by
Jerome Taylor looks at a website which helps people marry their memories of the past to the present Then and now. Same beach, different time.

Small hits just as good as big ones
Start-up tech firms need to repeat modest successes, says US Icehouse visitor.

Internet superpowers fight over friends
Facebook expected to involve Skype in counterattack on Google+ service.

2degrees unveils business market push
Newcomer mobile network 2degrees is now directly targeting the business market and unveiled a number of new mobile plans this morning.

Praise for NZ from information freedom pioneer
Lawrence Lessig, one of the leading lights of the Creative Commons movement, has praised New Zealand's law making systems in an address to today's NetHui meeting.

Has Facebook peaked?
Its users are bailing out, there are concerns over privacy and even murmurs that it’s going the way of MySpace. But the death of the social network that changed the world is greatly exaggerated, says Stephen Foley.

Wanted: any-size men but slender women only
A speed dating event advertising a night for "slender" women has been slammed by one woman.

F&P Appliances address gripes on web
F&P has used the website to communicate with unhappy customers that were airing their gripes online.

<i> Debbie Mayo-Smith:</i> Are Facebook business pages worth the effort?
Only if your target market is a young woman or you like having conversations with an empty room...