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Ron Brierley hits out at Gibbs' 'phoney' claim
The claim by Tony Gibbs that he pushed for the AGM to be held in New Zealand is 'phoney' says Ron Brierley.

Commodities rally overnight on China demand
Stocks on Wall Street were mixed as investors awaited a fresh reason to extend the rally, while commodities including oil, gold and copper were boosted on hopes that Chinese demand would remain strong.

Susan Easton: Exhilaration over emerging markets eases off
After a golden run, concerns are growing about inflation in emerging markerts, writes investment analyst at Gareth Morgan Investments Susan Easton.

Low ball 'sharks' will keep circling until law changed, says law firm
The government must restrict access to share registers and require offers to stay open for a reasonable length of time to protect unsophisticated investors from low ball offers, says Chapman Tripp partner Roger Wallis.

GPG shares jump on wind-down plan, $158M capital return
GPG will return $158m to shareholders this year and gradually sell down assets to the point where the Coats thread-making business is its only investment.

Low-ball Vector share victims get second chance
Vector shareholders who sold into a controversial 'low-ball' share offer have been told they can back out of the deal.