Latest fromCompanies
DIY zeal powers up profits
The country's two biggest DIY and hardware chains have just notched up record profits as the national appetite for home improvement grows.
It's time for higher pay to filter down
The explosion in the top salary rates has left too many in the lower income brackets searching for a living, writes Tim Hazeldine.
Editorial: Meridian needs best deal
Meridian Energy is not a private enterprise but in negotiation with Rio Tinto it must act like one. If it can get a better power price elsewhere, Tiwai smelter must go.
KiwiSaver: The latest results
The results are in, for the competing funds' first five years. If yours is trailing the field, is it time to switch? Tamsyn Parker reports.
Michael Hill shares nearing 4-year high
Shares in Michael Hill International are going up after the company lifted first-quarter revenue by 14 per cent.
Should we act on the high NZ dollar?
Most agree that the kiwi is overvalued and some say the solution is for the Reserve Bank to cut interest rates. But two differing perspectives argue it's not that simple. Add your comment to the debate.
Changing India a vast untapped opportunity
For everything you know about India, the exact opposite is also true, says Indian economist Reuben Abraham.