SLI Systems lists on NZX, shares climb
Technology company SLI Systems listed on the NZX this morning and its shares climbed more than 18 per cent in early trading.
Technology company SLI Systems listed on the NZX this morning and its shares climbed more than 18 per cent in early trading.
A director of a failed finance company who is accused of misleading investors says he cannot afford a lawyer and will probably have to represent himself at trial.
The only way to protect milk from light damage is to block out all light. The trade off, however, is the inability to see how much is left, writes Peter McClure.
Public perceptions of how competitive the retail electricity sector is have improved, though to less-than-emphatic levels.
Britons should be braced for years of high inflation as the cost of living soars stubbornly ahead of wages, a leading economic forecaster warns.
How do you get people to try a new food product that is up against a big player?
Fonterra's Malaysian operation has doubled its revenue in local currency terms over the past five years.
Simon Challies is an innovative thinker whose time at the helm of Ryman Healthcare has been critical to the firm's success, says David Kerr, chairman of the retirement village operator.
Meridian Energy, New Zealand's biggest and most profitable power company, will be partially privatised later this year, Finance Minister Bill English confirmed in yesterday's Budget.
Market players were left unimpressed by a big profit rise at NZX-listed landlord Goodman Property Trust, saying management were the only ones gaining financially.
New Zealand housing is already overvalued by about 25 per cent and if it continues to rise may force the Reserve Bank to hike interest rates, according to the IMF.
The Serious Fraud Office wants tougher penalties for people found guilty of corruption in the private sector.