Cheap parking offered for electric cars
Auckland Transport is offering free parking for hundreds of electric vehicles that it hopes will be provided for a public car-sharing scheme.
Auckland Transport is offering free parking for hundreds of electric vehicles that it hopes will be provided for a public car-sharing scheme.
Iron ore sank below US$60 ($81) a tonne after China set the lowest target for economic growth in more than 15 years.
The sharemarket and house prices in Australia are surging and some investors are starting to use the dreaded B-word - bubble.
New Zealand's second-largest health insurer, nib, might take over another insurance business to get a bigger share of the market here.
A dispute has again thrown up complaints that misused shell companies.
Auckland will issue a worldwide call for investors in an electric car-share scheme such as those in North American and European cities.
The January OCR review saw a shift in the bank's stance from a tightening bias to neutral.
Kordia Group, the broadcasting and telecommunications network operator, returned to a profit in the first half on an improved performance at its Australian business.
Dairy prices firmed at the latest GlobalDairyTrade auction, backing expectations that Fonterra will meet its $4.70 a kg farmgate milk price this season, but concerns remain about muted demand from....
Rex Bionics say higher costs to commercialise its robotic exoskeletons have widened its full-year loss to £3.56 million ($7.24 million) from £480,000 a year earlier.
Resolution of industrial action at ports along the West Coast of the United States has come as a relief to New Zealand meat producers who have been shut off from a lucrative market.
Murray Goulburn, Australia's biggest dairy co-operative, has confirmed a full-year forecast farmgate price of A$6 per kg of milk solids.
Rocket Lab has attracted new financial backing from one of the United States' oldest venture capital firms and aerospace giant Lockheed Martin to put it on course.
An alarming decline in food production at British farms will leave shoppers at the mercy of prices and quality elsewhere in the world, warns a UK farming report.
NZ shares rose to a fresh record yesterday, paced by Mighty River Power, Meridian Energy and Genesis Energy as investors mulled possible lower interest rates across the Tasman.
Woolworths will funnel more than A$500 million ($516 million) into improving sales as it lags further behind supermarket rival Coles.
Growing global market opportunities and the need to strengthen supply chains are creating a thirst for capital among agricultural co-operatives around the world, rural lending specialist Rabobank said.
Investors in property syndicates formerly run by SPI have been told to close ranks to the media.
China's central bank has cut the country's official cash rate for the second time in three months - a move which highlights concern about the economic slowdown of New Zealand's largest trading....
The results for the six months to December 2014 has been fairly lacklustre, with one notable exception, Brian Gaynor writes.