Revealed: How much your home value has risen
Latest QV data shows lackluster Auckland housing market.
Latest QV data shows lackluster Auckland housing market.
Housing NZ will hand off a more than 8000sq m block of land to a private developer.
Rejuvenation of office space has been the impetus for new retail operations.
A fully leased split-risk investment property, with long-term redevelopment potential.
A popular, refurbished Northland gastropub is for sale.
The heated Twitter debate raised some important questions about what Kiwibuild should do.
Tighter nitrate runoff rules and higher threshold for overseas buyers are having an impact
The five bedroom home has "expansive" decks and overlooks St Heliers Beach.
A property with a long-lease to a nationally-branded supermarket chain is for sale.
A fully-leased, modern office investment with three tenants is for sale.
A tidy North Harbour warehouse and office unit is for sale.
A fully-leased retail property in Pukekohe's town centre is for sale.
An ex-state house kid is now working with Housing NZ Corporation on a $30 billion plan.
The first floor of an Auckland CBD property is for sale.
Lifelong tenancies are being mooted as a possibility in New Zealand.
Aucklanders reveal their bitter disputes.
NZ's 1.5 million tenants could be subject to a new three strikes pre-eviction policy.
The new owner expects to complete the renovation in just three months.
Character villa, with two levels of office, retail and residential space is for sale.
Newmarket's retail scene is set for some big changes.
A new Insite portfolio publication containing 43 properties has been released.
Unsatisfied appetite for properties in Auckland will help fuel demand in Christchurch.
Opportunity to acquire 25 Auckland inner-city car parks is on the market.
$10.4m sale of a Hastings property is thought to be largest transaction in a decade.
Childcare facility will 'raise the bar for such enterprises' in expanding Auckland.