Rents frozen: Government to prevent landlords raising residential rents
Kiwi renters will get relief from any increases in rent during the immediate crisis.
Kiwi renters will get relief from any increases in rent during the immediate crisis.
Summerset has ramped up security around its retirement villages.
SkyCity's Auckland, Hamilton and Queenstown outlets remain open.
Potential long- and short-term scenarios revealed.
Banks are urging any customers hit financially by the crisis to contact them early.
Kiwi Property talking to a hotel business about operating accommodation on the top levels.
"We would expect signoff on the foundations around mid-year." - council chief.
"Unprecedented situation and the timing" - Asset Plus.
Bank drops one-year fixed home loan rate to 3.05 per cent.
The business is being hammered by travel restrictions but extra $85m insurance expected.
Unmet tax liabilities "exclusively" caused by owner's failures according to decision.
There are concerns about whether the measures go far enough.
What future five NZX listed retirement stocks?
Shamubeel Eaqub says NZ faces a long recession caused by coronavirus.
Buyers employed in tourism may soon face a battle securing home loans due to coronavirus.
KiwiBuild flats are the "success story" of the Auckland apartment market, report says.
Two key issued faced those who worked from home.
It's still to early to see what impact coronavirus will have on house prices.
"I did it because I've done well in my life" - Manson
Buyer who spent just five months in The Block NZ penthouse has relisted it.
"We received some unsolicited enquiries" - Roxy-Pacific
Auckland has built-in advantages for commercial property investors.
"Some settlements might not go ahead" - Bruce Patten.
New entity formed to buy 250ha of east Auckland waterfront land.
Poo in the post agent: what the Human Rights Review Tribunal said.
High Court decision upheld earlier findings about serious misconduct and dishonesty.
All apartments at 236 Kepa Rd now sold.
The medical and general office space has been a dream 20 years in the making.
Six months to build, now in its third year of renovation