Unique Hawke's Bay tree garden offers lifestyle and income potential
A tourism hot spot nested in the gardens.
A tourism hot spot nested in the gardens.
Six tenants are occupying Ngatea property.
$1.9b landlord boosted by Auckland revaluations, particularly industrial.
Fletcher to make nearly $100m more this year than last.
Smallest listed real estate vehicle has big plans development, office block
RBNZ to release its financial stability report, with house prices likely to dominate.
List of who's who in the construction sector in liquidators' first report.
The sale represents a yield of 5.6 per cent.
Property valuations push down bottom-line result of industrial landlord.
"We have people in there to verify exactly where things are at" - accountant Mark Hughson.
"There've been some conversations with Ikea but nothing concrete yet" - Mark Hughson.
"In discussions to strengthen financial future of the store" - Neil Tuffin.
"Roof design and specifications were compliant" - Ross Taylor, Fletcher Building CEO.
One of Queenstown's most spectacular high country farms has hit the market.
Sudden departure of Graeme Stephens "very surprising to us" - Chelsea Leadbetter.
Vital executives upbeat at AGM after a strong result.
What really happened at SkyCity?
"He is among NZ's most successful developers and investors" - Property Council.
"My heart is saying one day it will look good" - Vinod Kumar
The national median shot up 19.8 per cent.
"I've lost four weeks of my life now in quarantine." - Ross Taylor.
"We are waiting to hear back from Labour about the resolution."
"Heavily impacted in FY20 by Covid" - Ross Taylor.
The biggest concern of nearly 100 surveyed was the lack of future work security.
The land will now be used for another purpose.
Costco will give shoppers a number of big incentives to visit.
Dilworth School, founded on a 1894 bequest, is railroaded into Auckland real estate.
This Papatoetoe home could sell for a small fortune, but buyers can't look inside first.
Auctions are so hot, developers are running scared and looking for other ways to buy.