One of the biggest sites to come up for sale on Hamilton's edge
'Once-in-a-generation' development opportunity in industrial Waikato.
'Once-in-a-generation' development opportunity in industrial Waikato.
The tenants of a Queenstown richlister landlord fear bankruptcy because of high rents.
The twin-tower development is NZ's largest privately-developed social housing scheme.
Investors rushed in to beat new LVR restrictions from March 1
'Thrilled to finally be starting on-site construction' - marina developer Tony Mair.
Country's richest private school wins right to buy land beneath motorway at 2013 prices.
"Pā on headlands, ridges and maunga recalled in rooftop" - architects.
The 125-year leasehold of public land was sold for $40m.
"The seawall is an incredible achievement" - Eric van Essen
$298m plans revised: new scheme more in line with changed market conditions.
Staff could face pay cuts if they work remotely long term
Industrial workshops in Parnell for sale.
Multi-purpose facility in Hastings includes offices and manufacturing.
Now is the right time for the expansion, executive says.
Chairman Tim Mordaunt says the regulator was 'making an example of us'.
Home buyers needed to have somehow saved almost $50,000 more than a year ago to buy.
The Chow brothers have quit the sex industry and want to have $2b in assets by 2025.
Last year's net loss after tax of $37m was converted into a $4.3m net after-tax profit.
'Almost all Precinct's clients back working from premises' - CDO Scott Pritchard
Australasian healthcare real estate business outperforms benchmarks.
Bedroom furniture, dining tables, chairs, sofa beds, consoles, homeware on sale.
Westfield Newmarket got 10m shopper visits in 2020 - Scentre Group
The Victoria St buildings are worth at least $2m less than what council paid in 2018.
Revaluations of $221.1m boosted bottom-line result
Revaluations were cited as the main contributor to this reduction in profit.
Zoning for residential and commercial means big possibilities in growing Karaka.
Robust trading post-Covid 19, above average margins and wide catchment will aid growth.