Gisborne business is a board rider's dream
The land, building and business of one of New Zealand's oldest and most easily recognisable surf shops is for sale.
The land, building and business of one of New Zealand's oldest and most easily recognisable surf shops is for sale.
Auckland office rents are down 17 per cent, shops down 16 per cent and industrial down 9 per cent.
Investors in the country's largest listed commercial landlord could see fireworks at the AGM this week.
Fletcher Building's fortunes are up - after taking a hammering last year.
Investors in a $286.2 million listed medical property business demanded information yesterday about a takeover by ANZ.
Investors in a Fiji resort are pushing to get more than $1 million they are owed.
One of New Zealand's most valuable art collections has been assembled in a room at the BNZ's new national headquarters in Auckland.
Burj Dubai, the world's tallest tower, will open on December 2.