Latest fromCommercial Property
Historic hotel faces falling into disrepair, court told
Developers maintain plan for apartments and cafe only viable use for old building.
Eateries flavour of month at auction
Cafes and restaurants prove irresistible to smaller investors.
Lombard investors to get payment this month, says receiver
Lombard Finance receiver PricewaterhouseCoopers says investors will receive a repayment later this month of 6.5 cents for every dollar invested.
Fletcher loses out as hotel firm fails
The company behind Wellington's $100 million Holiday Inn has collapsed.
Call for DNZ heads to roll over planned revamp
Three independent directors of the DNZ Property Fund are being called on to resign.
Big plans for the plaza will benefit the whole community
Big plans for the plaza will benefit the whole community.
Auction offers chance for city-centre presence
Six properties located in central Auckland offering smaller investors exposure to the bustling CBD retail market will go up for auction early next month.
Chance to clean up in specialist trade
A solid business offering a key service is priced to sell.
Vineyard going lock, stock and wine barrel
Legendary winemaker selling as retirement beckons.