Housing crisis: Data shows record number of consents for new houses
Government moves to increase supply have begun to pay off.
Government moves to increase supply have begun to pay off.
Argosy Property is committed to developing more green buildings.
Investors could suffer a loss of more than $20 million if the sale goes ahead.
This data offers the first glimpse at the impact of the Government's new regulations.
The business has built 88 education buildings, 50 homes and 348 modules.
Four possible reasons cited for the massive drop - could it be an anomaly?
Defective block home to many Auckland University academics.
Koroā presence sparks new litigation: May 14 hearing set down.
The company can't give formal earnings guidance right now.
$64,000 due after Bin Zao failed to gain consent.
First home buyers were expected to fill the landlords' gap - but they're not.
The Commerce Commission wants further feedback about the proposed deal.
Home builder liquidates company, leaving family tens-of-thousands out of pocket.
Average Tauranga rents $520/week, up 10 per cent in last five years
The South Island town recorded the lowest annual occupancy among big tourist cities.
Repairs going on for two years, dogged by delays and rising costs
Investors are not happy with the rates they're currently paying.
Inland Revenue, Auckland Council, Watercare, and real estate agents are owed millions.
Built in 1868 homestead is sitting on 5.6ha.
Just let homes.co.nz close down says principal of New Lynn agency Berryman Nationwide.
The university has walked away with cash in the pocket, despite stinging criticism.
Some blocks "beyond economic repair, leaving owners in an awful financial position".
Critics say investment scheme should be licensed.
'We have listened hard to the community and its desires for the land', says Marina owner.
He booked 66 inspections but cancelled 34 - Jeff Fahrensohn on Lynfield developer.
March strong for agency, economists forecast lower rises this year
Machinery was specially modified to be used under the CPO.
The founder of Mainfreight is helping to fund the legal fight against the marina project.
'What scares ... me is what happens in 2025" - Richard Cordell.
COMMENT: MP property part 2. Just five of the 81 MPs canvassed don't own property.