Latest fromCommercial Property

Fletcher moves to bankrupt McKenna
Fletcher Construction says it is moving against Auckland developer Nigel McKenna over a debt for building Wellington's Holiday Inn.

Is Auckland's 'urban village' ideal straying off course?
How you see the restoration of a collection of century-old buildings on Auckland's downtown waterfront is a matter of perspective.

Grand Albany pipedream in tatters
One of NZ's largest and most speculative property investment visions on leasehold land - Albany City Property Investments - is in tatters.

Sex and the city: Sky Tower gets new neighbour
Sex industry magnates are to open a 'massage' club directly opposite the Sky Tower and flanked by residential buildings and shops.

St Lukes mall expansion on hold
A decision on a plan to double the size of Auckland's St Lukes shopping centre has been deferred after angry reactions from local residents.

More Westin rooms to shut as receivership fight continues
The Westin hotel is "making the best of a bad situation" as a dispute between the owners and receivers rumbles on.

$500m pulled from NZ commercial property in two years
Nearly half a billion dollars of overseas funds has left the investment property market in New Zealand since 2008, says new research.

BNZ in court scrap over Fontein's drip-feed offer
An offer by property developer Patrick Fontein to repay creditors owed $93.9 million has been met with disdain from the BNZ.