Latest fromCommercial Property
Big supermarket planned for Auckland's CBD
A huge new Auckland CBD supermarket is being planned by Kermadec Property Fun and Progressive Enterprises.
Brothel owners in billboard backlash
Brothel brothers John and Michael Chow have stepped up their campaign to force the Auckland Council's hand on a report into the demolition of the city's Palace Hotel that it is keeping secret. They have now erected a billboard on the site
Rogue exec walks free as Millennium settles China rorts
A rogue exec working for a Chinese company part owned by the Millennium & Copthorne Hotels has escaped prosecution for unauthorised property sales which appear likely to leave the NZX-listed hotelier out of pocket.
Andrew Krukziener bankrupt
Metropolis developer Andrew Krukziener has been bankrupted after surrendering to Inland Revenue's $6 million application.
Westin Qualmark rating pulled
One of New Zealand's top hotels, the Westin has been stripped of its Qualmark licence as a bitter battle between unit owners and the receiver of the hotel's management company continues.
May Wang loses IRD fight as bankruptcy looms
Failed property developer May Wang's attempt to avoid bankruptcy in the Auckland High Court has been rejected after the IRD objected to a creditor repayment plan.